Great Big Green Week and Eco Fair 2022
Come and join us for our Big Green Day, a free event to meet like-minded people in your community and learn about planet-friendly ways of living.
We'll have a range of stalls open throughout the day, as well as displays and talks from expert speakers aimed at helping you learn more about our changing climate, and ways to reduce our impacts on the world.
Given the rising price of energy, we've brought in two speakers to talk about energy saving ways to save the planet without costing the earth. We'll also look at other aspects like food and other aspects of sustainable living, which will be featured in talks, stalls and displays.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Please see below for a copy of our Big Green Day flyer to download and share

10.00 - Stalls open (remaining open throughout the day)
10.30 - Opening ceremony, including songs from `One Voice` Choir from 10.10 onwards
10.50 - 11.30 - Climate Change - is there a Crisis?
11.45 - 12.15 - How does food impact climate change?
1.15 - 1.35 - Songs from Highfield Male Voice Choir
1.45 - 2.30 - Energy saving ideas for warm homes
2.45 - 3.15 - Retrofit for Houses (People Powered Retrofit)
3.30 - 4.00 - Q&A with Mike Amesbury MP
Stallholder information
Cheshire Wildlife Trust
Do you know the simple things you could do where you live, work and play to bring lost local wildlife back? Come along and speak to us about making space for wonderful wild plants and animals in your gardens, schools, businesses, communities and across the whole Cheshire, South Manchester and Wirral region.
Let’s bring wildlife back together!
Frodsham Town Council passed a resolution declaring a climate emergency in March. Although Frodsham is a small town, the choices we make do matter. We want to show you what we are doing, and more importantly, hear from you what we should be doing. This is your chance to talk to your councillors.
NHS Sustainability Stall
The NHS is the first health service in the world to commit to reaching net zero; we can only do this by working together with all our staff and patients. Discover how the NHS is becoming greener, and actions you can take to help.
Cycle North Cheshire – please note: this stall is situated outside the building.
Watch a bike left at the Recycling Centre - recycled.
Bring a bike for safety checks and adjustments e.g. brakes & tyres.
Mend a puncture – with our help.
Learn how cycling to school or the shops saves carbon.
Discover local cycle routes - with free maps.
Tell us where it is unsafe to cycle or walk locally.
From approx 1.00 p.m. PCSO Neil Flanagan will be operating a bike marking event.
Frodsham Gardening Club
Frodsham Gardening Club will be promoting:
Growing plants in peat-free compost
Ways to save water
Reducing the use of garden plastic
Planting trees and other plants to capture carbon
Growing fruit, vegetables, and flowers for cutting
Fair Trade Stall
Fair Trade is not just about tea, coffee or even chocolate! Visit the Fair Trade stall to find a wide range of foodstuffs, as well as craft and gift items, and Christmas cards. Fair Trade guarantees a fair price to producers, help for their communities and support in battling climate change-related challenges.
WI on ‘Food Waste’ This stall will have information on: food hubs, growing food, sharing surplus of food and plants and also a cookbook to photograph.
Climate Action Frodsham will have a stall featuring food, complementary to the WI stall. The Climate Change Committee (UK) recommends that the UK population eats 20% less meat than previously.
Hob Hey Wood Friends Group
Ancient woodlands, like Hob Hey, are Britain’s most biodiverse habitats. Our group helps maintain and improve the wood to benefit its wildlife and visitors.
Our stall will show information about Hob Hey, our group, and how you can get involved.
Green Christmas
How to have a great Christmas with low environmental impact and cost. Lots of ideas and tips on present buying and wrapping, reducing food waste, decorating the house and much more.
Frodsham St. Andrew’s Scottish Dance society.
We have looked at the best way to share transport to our venue to limit car emissions. This is helped by two current members who drive electric cars.
We are trying to use the heating frugally.
We do not use single-use cups.
Up-cycling stall - up-cycled glass and china, turned into decorations, ornaments, candle holders, and more!
Vegan burgers etc – a stall selling vegan burgers and other food will be situated outside the building.
Additional stalls include:
Cheshire West and Chester Council
Christian Aid
Mere and Meadow
“The Frombles”
Mime’s Renewables
Reins Clothing
Worralls' Farm
Frodsham Library
Climate Action Frodsham – energy and other topics
In addition to the stallholders and the speakers on 1st October, we are pleased to welcome two local choirs to the Big Green Day. Songs can touch a part of our brain and our being that stalls and talks may not reach!
Highfield Male Voice Choir
The Highfield Male Voice Choir is pleased to support Climate Action Frodsham on Saturday 1st of October for their Big Green Day and has been singing in churches, schools and community centres since 1911 and was part of the three Tanning firms which stretched along the shore line of the Mersey river.
Singing is so good for you it exercises your heart and lungs and releases endorphins making you feel good so with a love in your heart, a spring in your step so you can face any challenges that come your way.
The Highfield have moved home to Frodsham Community Centre to be nearer to our members and audiences and if you would like to sing with no subscriptions for three months no contracts and learn to sing in a friendly atmosphere then we would love to welcome you - either drop in to Frodsham Community Centre any Tuesday at 7.30 pm or ring Frank on 01244382673 or 07305681572.
One Voice Community Choir
One Voice Community Choir is a friendly and inclusive group who welcome all singing abilities. There are no auditions and you don't need to be able to read music, just a love of singing and a commitment to the choir.
We rehearse on Wednesdays from 7pm, at Main Street Community Church, Frodsham. Please contact us to ask about availability and to arrange a free taster session.
The following stallholders (listed on our leaflet) regret that they will not be joining us on the day:
Frodsham Townfield allotments fully support the aims of the Green Day. We have expanded from 33 to 78 plots in ten years and now have a waiting list of 37.
Our website address is and the email is townfield.allotments
Oakmere Cakes – wish us well.
The Greener Group - We regret that we are unable to attend, as we are very busy - we hope the event is a